
Wednesday, September 14, 2011


This one will be a biggie!

The Brewer's Style guidelines describe a Weizenbock as:  "A strong, malty, fruity, wheat-based ale combining the best flavors of a dunkelweizen and the rich strength and body of a bock."

I've never brewed one before.  There aren't a lot of commercial examples of them out there, but Schneider's "Aventinus" (a favorite of mine) would qualify.

The thing that will set mine apart, however, will be the use of some Briess Midnight Wheat malt.  This is a specialty malt that Briess puts out once a year.  I picked some up and thought it would make a nice addition to this beer.  As a result, it will send the color off the charts.  This beer will be nearly black, but it won't have any of the roasty character of a stout or porter.

It will also be a great cold weather beer, as the ABV estimate will be around 8%.  This will be another snifter beer.

Though bocks are traditionally lagers, this weizenbock will use hefeweizen yeast, technically an ale yeast, so that I can get some of that banana/clove taste found in our K.K. Weisse.

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