
Friday, December 21, 2012

The Next Experiment

I picked up a couple of these bad boys from a local barrel broker:

These are used bourbon barrels from the Few Distillery in Evanston, Illinois. 

Today, I'm going to rack some Doppelbock into this one.  In about six months, I'll carbonate and bottle it.

There's a Strong Scotch Ale scheduled for February and I'll do the same with that one.

This summer, keep an eye out for this special reserve edition of our usual beer line-up.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Not All Glitz and Glamor

Long day today.

Cleaned 19 kegs.
Kegged off Amber
Cleaned/Sanitized the Serving Vessel
Transferred and Carbed the K.K. Weisse
Cleaned the fermenter
Set up to brew Kolsch tomorrow


The good news is that the Weisse will be back on tonight.  Also, if you haven't tried the Chocolate Hazelnut Porter since the 12/5 tapping, I would encourage you to try it now.  It's delicious.