
Monday, June 13, 2011


A few short notes--

The "Dark Lord" IPA was tapped last Wednesday and it's selling well.  Come and try some before it's gone!

I've replaced our Stout with a Rotating Dark.  This does not mean that the stout is disappearing.  In fact, the Cowtipper sold very well, so it will make a return.  However, I'd like to get some other dark styles into the rotation.  Currently I have the "Smokey the Beer" smoked porter.  I made a robust porter and added some smoked malt.

Our cask-conditioned ale series is in full swing.  We currently have on cask our BOSS P--the Bourbon Oak Soaked Smoked Porter.  I took some of the aforementioned porter and cask-conditioned it with a bourbon soaked oak spiral. 

There are also some cask conditioned ales on deck.  Last week, I pulled some of the Dark Lord IPA and dry hopped it in the cask with some more Centennial hops.  This one might be a hop bomb!  Today, I just tossed some crushed frozen raspberries into a Firkin and racked some Weisse on top of it for a cask-conditioned raspberry weisse.  The next time I brew a Kolsch, I think I'll make a cask of that with strawberries to make a Strawberry Blonde.

Finally, the weather is perfect (depending on when you are reading this) for our outdoor patio.  The hops I planted last year have come up again and a few are really taking off.  Hope to see you here!

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