(Fill in the Blank)
Yesterday we tapped the Scottish Heavy 70/-.
Despite it's name, it is easily the lightest beer I've ever brewed here at St. Francis. With a unique blend of seven different malts--the main base malt being imported British Pale malt, with some Honey and Munich malts thrown in, this filtered ale is light and refreshing.
Pouring a beautiful copper color with a light tan head, this ale has a nice malty aroma with hints of fruit. It starts slightly sweet and finishes very dry. At an ABV of 3.6%, it is a "session beer", meaning you can enjoy several of them in a sitting without feeling full or wobbly.
The "70/-" designation in the name is commonly used by the Scots. It stands for the shilling price that a tavern would pay for a hogshead--a cask that holds about 65 gallons. The greater the alcohol content, the higher the shilling price would be. A 70 shilling ale falls in the 3.5-4.0% ABV range.
Incidentally, the fruity looking guy in this picture is a good friend of mine. I actually sang with him in a comedy quartet for ten years. How does that joke go? "Welcome to Heaven. Here's your harp. Welcome to Hell. Here are your bagpipes!"
All kidding aside, Matt here performs with KAPDA. Check out their link. If you find yourself in a bar in Kenosha on St. Patrick's Day, chances are good these folks will show up and play the bagpipes until you buy them a beer. Only then will they leave.
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